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Oral Supplement Nepro with Carbsteady Mixed Berry Flavor Liquid 8 oz. Reclosable Carton

  • Nepro with Carbsteady therapeutic nutrition formulation supports the nutritional needs of those undergoing dialysis.
  • It's suitable for oral and tube feeding and as sole-source nutrition or as a supplement.
  • Carbsteady controls the blood sugar response.
  • It provides the protein, potassium and phosphorus that you need when you're undergoing dialysis.
  • Nepro Carbsteady mixed berry is a good source of prebiotic fiber and protein.
  • It's gluten-free as well as kosher and halal.

Brand: Abbott Nutrition

Nepro with Carbsteady Mixed Berry Therapeutic Nutrition for People on Dialysis,

SKU: 1048212_EA
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